Month and a half Vegan. Update on the good and bad. 

I’m going to keep his post as simple and short as possible because honestly it has not been long enough to advocate one way or another. 

The Good

-Less constipation and less heavy feelings when I do feel constipated. 

-I have lost approximately a pound a week despite feeling like I have been over eating and not exercising as much. 

-My lungs don’t have that tight feeling when I overexert myself.

The Bad

-Arms and legs fall asleep faster and more easily. Sometimes I feel dizzy when I stand too fast. I have resumed taking B12 in case this is the source of the issue. I do not feel weak. 

-It is getting harder to say no to meat and dairy when everyone else is eating it together. I haven’t been surrounding myself with as many vegan influences as I did at the beginning. 

The Unknown

-Am I more energetic or have I just been more social?  

-The inflammation in my knee appeared to disappear but without yoga returned. So it had nothing to be with being vegan; I have taken yoga back up. 

-I can’t yet tell if it has made a difference on my KP (skin condition).

-Sometimes my rosacea seems to flair up more,  sometimes less. 

-No difference on period cramps or length yet. 

-No noticeable difference on mood swings.

-New cravings. For peaches, pineapple, greens, and now for horseradish of all things. No I’m not pregnant,  maybe my body knows what it needs. But I craved peaches when I hadn’t had them in about a year. I craved horseradish when I’ve never really known the taste: the name just kept coming to me and now that I bought it,  I want it on everything.  

New Thoughts on my Food Philosophy

– Maybe I could eat meat if I knew it was hunted in the wild and was over populated? 

– Maybe eggs from chickens that are treated basically like pets are ok. I wouldn’t  care if someone wanted the eggs I drop that will never be fertilized. Itd be weird but have at it. 

– What’s so wrong with honey?  Don’t the bees chose to stay in those boxes?  Doesn’t the bee population need our help?  Again maybe it is a case of simply looking into the provider. 

– Sigh. Unfortunately I can’t justify milk and therefore cheese. Unless the mother cow had a still born, or her calf chose to stop suckling, I just don’t see how it’s right. And even then the milk would be taken to offer relief to the cow. The farmer could just then use that milk as a delicacy and sell it or eat it. But it shouldn’t be mass produced. 

Anyways,  that’s my update. I’m still figuring this out. Feel free to leave your own ideas in the comments, or changes you have noticed in yourself (good or bad), or even changes you hope for or fear. Good luck to everyone in figuring this out! 

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