Getting off the Fence

So I took the plunge. I’ve been tossing the idea of this around for months. Finally yesterday I saw a video of Gary Y ‘The Best Speech Ever’ on YouTube.  Something clicked. We know it’s good for the planet and more sustainable with our growing population.  We know health often increases. We know at least some facilities practice cruelty. I’d been sitting on the fence for a long time. Now I’m choosing to get off because although Im still unsure about a lot, I do believe change is needed.

 I don’t believe life is living in a cage until you are fat enough for death. I don’t believe babies should be stripped from their mother’s side. I don’t believe purposeful mental or physical torture is ok. I don’t believe that I can know with 100% certainty where cruelty was and was not involved. Maybe it is fine to eat meat. But should we mass farm it? Have a factory like process with living beings? Farm it at all? I’ve always said hunting is the most humane way to eat meat. But I couldn’t stomach it so I’d go to the grocery store. I placed my comfort over basic decency. I don’t think I should ignore that anymore. I don’t want to. 

I have two bunnies. They are my babies. I love them, they live cage free, I would protect them with my life. If it’s not ok to put them in a small cage until death why is it ok to do it to others? If I can see my bunnies have personalities and can love, if I would never split up my boys, why is it ok to take a baby from a mother’s side? At which point I pause, at one point my boys were taken from their mother. Is it really ok to domesticate at all? 

There are so many questions.  So much to explore and possibly adjust. For now I don’t need to eat animal products.  I am going to try not to. I’ll watch my health but from my research it likely will only improve. So for now Ill learn and grow and change. 

I’d love to hear comments and thoughts on the ethics of farming, veganism, pets, etc. Please keep your language positive and productive if you do comment. Remember that everyone comes from a different perspective and perspective taking is how we truely learn. 

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